Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Come On-Quit Lying to Us!

Calling President Obama, Senator Harry Reid, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi disingenuous is, at best inaccurate.  Let’s face it; these three have been lying through their teeth to the American people.  They have shifted into high gear over the government shutdown/continuing resolution and the debt ceiling.

In the first place, all three keep talking about how they are willing to negotiate with the Republicans.  Then they turn right around and say that they will not compromise on any of the points that have been brought up by the Republicans.  Apparently none of them understand the meaning of negotiate (“to bring about, through discussion and COMPROMISE).  It is obvious that Obama, Reid, and Pelosi have no intention of compromising, and they have actually stated their intention is not to compromise, in spite of their rhetoric.

Before the 2008 election, when the Congress (made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate) was debating raising the debt ceiling, then Senator Obama made the following comments about President Bush.  “The way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China, in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion.  The first forty-two presidents, number forty-three added $4 trillion by his lonesome so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are gonna have to pay back, $30,000 for every man, woman, and child.  That’s irresponsible.  It’s unpatriotic.”

After making that statement, Obama voted AGAINST raising the debt limit.  Now, after running the national debt up to $17 trillion, Mr. Obama is demanding that Congress vote to raise the debt limit, saying that it is necessary just to pay our bills.  Is he irresponsible and unpatriotic?  (I’m just using his definition.)

Obama has said numerous times that the inflammatory rhetoric needs to cease.  Does he mean calling Republicans “jihadists” or likening them to wife abusers?  Does he mean calling anyone opposed to Obamacare as racist?  Maybe he is referring to those calling Republicans terrorists, extremists, or arsonists.  ALL of these comments came from Democrats, some in the House, some in the Senate, and some in the White House, specifically Mr. Obama himself, after his call to cease the inflammatory rhetoric.

It should be noted here that the government “shutdown” is somewhat a misnomer.  Actually, only about 18% of the government is shut down (Perhaps we should simply dismiss that 18%.  We seem to be getting along just fine without them.  We could eliminate the EPA, the Commerce Department, the Education Department, and the Energy Department.  That would save plenty of money.

The Obama administration (and the buck stops at Obama’s desk) has the option of declaring what/who is essential to the operation of the government.  With that option, his administration has decided to inflict as much pain as is possible.  Although funding Sesame Street, the decision was made to cease funding cancer research at the National Institutes for Health.  Although it cost more to close the “open-air” memorials around Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania, Arizona, Normandy, and South Dakota, among others, the Obama administration chose to assign Park Rangers to erect barricades to prevent us “commoners” from having access to the monuments.  Even private businesses and privately owned homes on leased federal land had access blocked.

We are still being fed the same old party line about how good the “Affordable” Care Act is.  If it’s so darn good, then why did Obama grant so many waivers on implementation (including unions, members (and their staffs) of the Congress, members of the Supreme Court, and members of the Obama administration, allowing them to opt out of Obamacare or receive a subsidy from the government (paid for by you and me)?  If Obamacare is good enough for us, why isn’t it good enough for them?  By the way, that is one of the sticking points the Democrats had with the House Republicans.  The House Republicans felt that, if Obamacare is good enough for us peons, it should be good enough for Congress.  The Democrats obviously do not feel that way.  The proposal to remove the Congressional exemption was removed by Senate Democrats.

What about the word “affordable” being used?  What is affordable about Obamacare?  There are plenty of horror stories of insurance premiums skyrocketing, along with horrendous co-pays or deductibles.  What about people being moved from full time employment to part time employment?  What about the promises we heard out of Obama’s mouth?  “If you like your current plan, you can keep it.  If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”  These promises were no more than more lies.

There is no need to go on further.  If this isn’t sufficient proof of the lies being spoken and perpetrated on the American people, then additional proof will not convince you.  If you haven’t heard about these things, then you are obviously getting all your news from ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, or the Comedy Channel.  Otherwise, you need to move that rock and climb out from under it.  You might find out what is going on before it’s too late!

I have two solutions.  You are welcome to pick either, or, if you can come up with one that is better, please offer it.  First, the House Republicans could pass a bill funding the government, without funding Obamacare, and send it to the Senate.  The Senate doesn’t even have to read the bill.  All they have to do is use Nancy Pelosi’s advice:  “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.”  My second solution, which may be better overall, is that a huge sinkhole open up under Washington, D.C. and swallow up the whole mess!  Take your pick.

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